Pushing someone who does not know how to swim into the deep end of the pool seems cruel and unusual. However, this is the only way to get someone out of their comfort zone and into perhaps something they will become good at. Using technology can be looked at in the same way! So how would I get people to integrate technology? I would throw them in the deep end!
You want to make sure they are comfortable with what they are using. I feel by demonstrating it works and allowing someone to use it without piling more and more on them is the most effective way. Go slow and you can convert your fellow teachers to using technology in the classroom.
The best way in my opinion to serve as a teacher leader is you have to be the one who goes out and finds ways to use technology and be able to present them to staff. You also have to be available to help them with it and demonstrate it uses in the classrooms.
Our school has gone to a Technology Policy in which students will be able to use tools like Twitter as an educational tool. My fellow classmates will be able to help as many of them have more extensive use of twitter than I do. So I will lean on them to gain the knowledge needed to utilize this in my school. I will also use Webquests in my work with Career Awareness. I am very excited to use the one I created for my class. We will see how it works!
"Throw them in the deep end!" That is so true with many educators. Some teacher's do not want to take a chance and try something new. They've been teaching certain way and have not changed since they began their career. I think the biggest fear to using technology for teachers is losing control of the students. Teacher's fear that by giving the students the freedom to work on a constructivist activity that they are no longer in control of the classroom. What they need to realize is the students can actually have an increased level of motivation. The other fear is the technology working correctly. Teacher's need to be knowledgeable enough to solve computer issues and also have a backup plan if all else fails to work.