Friday, May 20, 2011

Technology for Administrators

Innovation in education can be something really powerful if done correctly.  Currently I am an administrator at a full time comprehensive technical school.  Part of my job is to make sure our instructors are using tools to make our students lifelong learners.  Along with instructional strategies, technology can be a catalyst to learning and growing as an individual.
I have read the NETS for Administrators from the site  I feel I have lots of room for improvement on meeting each one of the standards.  But by no means do I think I am deficient in meeting these standards, I just want to meet them at a higher standard for all teachers.  Right now I am privileged to work with some really innovative instructors who are very comfortable with using and trying new technologies.  My goal is to get everyone to at least try something new and document it into their portfolio.  I want to help build a small learning community for teachers to share with one another.
I do not have a fear of technology, just a fear that I am not meeting the needs of our students.  I feel comfortable learning how to use different forms of technology and learning about its practical uses.  I can understand the fears, but I jump into the deep end and to use a golf metaphor, Tee it High and Let it Fly!  It takes some confidence it will be working when you go to use it, but you must be prepared for it not to work and be ready to go to Plan B.
I am ready to learn some new uses of technology and new avenues in which I have not explored.  I am ready to learn from my class and see how they use and see how I can adapt their ideas into my school.  I want to get some of the instructors who are a little skeptical to use something they have not used before.  I want to see teachers sharing their knowledge with one another.  I would like to observe a giant school of sharing and collaborating among staff and students so all can learn from one another.
It is time for the next challenge education has brought to my doorstep.  We have finished the first round.  The door has been opened for me and I have greeted our new playing partner. Now it is time to offer technology a drink and strive to know it even better.


  1. The best way for teachers to learn is by sharing with one another. This is difficult to establish bacause some teachers feel threatened by others. They might feel their knowledge is inadequate.

  2. Joe,
    I'll agree with Tom, sharing is an important aspect of teachers learning new technology. I would add another difficulty,though, time. If you, as an administrator, can give your teachers time to work together to share and learn new technologies, you will likely see awesome things happening.

    Very good, thoughtful post.

    Mike Mathews
